Josquin, Lauridsen, & Martland

8:15 pm, Saturday, 18 November 2018
Oud-Katholieke kerk, Juffrouw Idastraat 7, The Hague (map)

3:00 pm, Sunday, 25 November 2018
Eendrachtskerk, Eendrachtsstraat 95, 3012 XH Rotterdam (map).

Entrance €17.50
Advance sales: €15.00 + transaction costs via online ticket sales for Rotterdam or The Hague.
Advance sales: €15.00 via de koorleden

In November, Cappella Gabrieli will perform music by Josquin, including the Missa La sol fa re mi. For this programme, conductor Maarten Michielsen asked specialist Andrew Hallock (Cappella Pratensis) to take the choir deeper into the this music’s performance practice. You can listen to the result on Saturday, 17 November, in The Hague or on Sunday, 25 November, in Rotterdam.

The programme includes the Missa La sol fa re mi. Josquin based this mass on a statement from his patron, Cardinal Ascanio Sforza, that would have smoothed over a request from the composer for payment with a reassuring ‘Lascia fare a me’ (leave it to me). Josquin translated this phrase into its musical equivalent (la sol fa re mi) and then ingeniously incorporated this theme into a mass.

Cappella Gabrieli is directed by Maarten Michielsen.


Josquin des Prez (1450 - 1521)

Missa La sol fa re mi
Ave maris stella
Salve regina
Praeter rerum seriem
O virgo virginum

Morten Lauridsen (1943)

O Nata Lux
O virgo virginum

Steve Martland (1954 - 2013)

Three Carols