Gesualdo and Stravinsky
20:15 Saturday, 30 November 2013
Teresia van Avilakerk, Westeinde 12a, 2512 HD Den Haag (map)
15:00 Sunday, 1 December 2013
Lambertuskerk, Oostzeedijk Beneden 1-3, 3062 VJ Rotterdam (map)
Entrance: €12.50
Advance sales: €10
Photo: Pauline Pycroft, 1 december 2013
We would like to invite you to our concerts on 30 November and 1 December. The programme includes works by Gesualdo (1560 - 1613), Stravinsky (1882 - 1971) and Gabrieli (ca. 1556-1612).
We will sing motets from the second book of Gesualdo’s Cantiones Sacræ. These six-part motets could not be performed for a long time, because two of the parts were missing. In 2005, Cappella Gabrieli commissioned three Dutch composers to complete the motets.
Years earlier, in 1960, Igor Stravinsky preceded them. On the occasion of Gesualdo’s four hundredth birthday, he completed three of the twenty Cantiones. Together with musicians from The Hague Philharmonic, we will perform Stravinsky’s Mass for choir and ten wind instruments. This composition, although considered one of the most important works of the twentieth century, is rarely performed. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Giovanni Gabrieli (c. 1554/1557 – 1612):
Canzon primi toni a 8
Cristóbal de Morales (c.1500–1553):
Exaltata est Sancta Dei genitrix
Regina Caeli
Giovanni Gabrieli
Beata es
Igor Stravinsky (1882 – 1971):
Mass for choir and ten wind instruments - Kyrie, Gloria
Don Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa (1560-1613):
Discedite a me
Mass - Credo
O Oriens
Sanctus & Benedictus
Ave Sanctissima
Agnus Dei